I Am A Universe Family Healer

My healing ability is not something I learned in a seminar. I cannot teach my healing modality. I am not involved in spirituality or spiritual healing. Please read on below as I explain this in more detail.

I just did a recent search on the Internet to see if there was anything or anyone else out there like me. No. All I see is the same spiritual junk being presented as real. The lack of reality in healing is very disheartening. I see these spiritual healers as SCAMs (Spiritually Created About Money) and not doing anything to help others. I see places who say they are healing places but do not offer any real healing services. Over and over I am still seeing this.

Eventually these fake healing sources will be gone. I know this. I stay right where I am and just let my Universe deal with all the fakes. I continue to post here on my website about what I can do. It is too bad really that these unreal people and places still exist but they do.

I am very real and powerful. I do what I do quite naturally and successfully. I am new. I am the only one human with this amazing Universe connection. Right now when I make a Universe connection with a spirit world it is very quick and complete. I am naturally connected to our Universe. There are several magnetic currents out there high up in our atmosphere. I am out there too. I have this magnetic current flowing through my body. This current never stops. I stay here on planet Earth and the spirit worlds leave through this connection which I call my Universe Portal.

My healing modality is helping many families heal all of the way. Spiritual healers cannot do this. Even their name or title says it. They are spiritual healers. They use spirituality to heal. Forget them. They are not going to get rid of the problems. My Universe connection quickly grabs the spirit problems and moves it along and into the Universe currents. This a complete removal process. It is not a cleansing. I do not do cleansings. I get rid of it all. “Spiritual sides” are parasites to humans. Why cleanse a parasite? Just get rid of it completely and live.

This explains the main difference between the thousands of spiritual healers out there and me.

I am a Universe Family Healer. I am not a spiritual anything. I get rid of spirit worlds, chakras, spiritual sides, and anything else spirituality can create. Spirituality all goes away with a Universe connection through me. My healing current sends spirituality far, far away to a never explored place in our Universe where humans do not exist and there spirituality dies all by itself forever.